Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Pre-Med @ MIT

Pre-Med @ MIT The most frequent question I received during CPW was: Youre pre-med? Wait, so why did you pick MIT? It makes sense that I received this question repeatedly: after all, MIT is primarily a technology/engineering school and has the reputation of being incredibly difficult. This isnt the first time one of the bloggers has written about being pre-med at MIT, but I thought itd be worth it to add my own thoughts into the mix particularly since, with the AMCAS (med school app) coming out this Tuesday, Im about to dive head-first into the craziness that is medical school admissions. Why I Chose MIT   In all honesty, there are times (*cough* hell weeks *cough*) when MIT makes me feel like this: But mostly, it makes me feel like this: (p.s. you should all go waste some time on this site  because its hilarious and its also where I got the above two gifs) I visited MIT for the first time during CPW, and I came in expecting the stereotype, i.e. that everyone here would be incredibly nerdy and anti-social, and that I would fail all my classes because theyd be insanely hard. I was mostly deciding between the Rice-Baylor 7-year med program (where I wouldnt have to take the MCAT and would be guaranteed a spot at Baylor Med School), but my four days at MIT convinced me that MIT was the right place for me to be pre-meddespite the fact that I would have to take the I-never-want-to-ever-take-this-again exam a.k.a. the MCAT. So what made me change my mind? I think that above all, it was the spirit of MIT. People here want to change the world in whatever way they can. The pre-med students that I met during my CPW were all down-to-earth, big dreamers, and hard-working. But they were also realistic. They knew that a B at MIT wasnt the be-all-end-all of their med school ambitions. They collaborated with others, they shared ideas, and above all, they held on to the idea that they wanted to make a difference. They inspired me. That, combined with the ridiculous numbers of opportunities here (UROPs, MISTI, Camp Kesem, proximity of hospitals, etc) pulled me away from Rice (disclaimer: I *do* think the Rice-Baylor program is still awesome). Just a few days after CPW, I comMITed and happily joined the MIT Class of 2013. What Its Been Like to be Pre-Med at MIT I like it. I feel like pre-med students here offer a unique perspective on medicine: that of a joint scientist-engineer-philanthropist. MIT has a pre-health office that has streamlined the medical school process and made everything easy to follow and understand. Last semester, all the students planning on entering medical school in Fall 12 were asked to answer a series of questions to allow them to be matched to a pre-med advisor. Over the course of this semester, Ive been meeting with my pre-med advisor: the one and only McGreggor Crowley. (Best advisor ever?? Yup, I think so!) Together, weve come up with a list of schools I should be considering, a packet of information to give to those writing my rec letters, and a preliminary draft of my personal statement. Every med school advisor helps his or her advisees through the process, complementing the series of presentations/talks that the pre-health office organizes as a guide and resource to current applicants. To give you an idea of what these presentations are like: the most recent one featured an admissions officer from Harvard Medical School, who answered questions and walked everyone through the expectations of the medical school application/interview. These sessions are both a little intimidating (so much to do!) and very helpful. Ive visited the pre-health office at least 7 or 8 times this semester, as I was toying with the idea of a gap year, worrying over whether or not my recommenders spelled my (very long) last name correctly, and confused about which schools to apply to. Theyve got my back :) Grades Of course this is what everyone is most worried about: will I be able to maintain a high GPA at MIT? Rest assured, its not impossible. I know a number of pre-med students who have 5.0/5.0 GPAs and have gotten into top schools. I also know people who have collected a few Bs and have lower GPAs they too have ended up at great schools. I guess my point is: dont let the idea of a B (or even a C) prevent you from coming to MIT and being pre-med. Every medical school in the world knows that MIT is a tough place, and that perfect grades arent the only thing worth considering in an application. Come here to learn, to be challenged, to gain some engineering intuition in conjunction with your pre-med course work. And if you get a B, consider it a lesson learned: youre more than a grade/letter. Closing Thoughts Ill add more of my thoughts as I get further into the medical school process. In the meantime, feel free to email in with any questions or concerns. To prospective 16s: I hope you all loved CPW and that I get to see you here in the fall! To those of you who didnt sleep at all during CPW, this is how Im imagining you: Cuteeee  ? Haha peace out, guys!

Friday, July 24, 2020

Importance Of Premium Quality Paper For Businesses

<h1>Importance Of Premium Quality Paper For Businesses</h1><p>With the different decisions of paper accessible in the market today, one ought to consistently make certain to choose premium quality paper for any circumstance. One may pick the one that is progressively helpful and fitting for the spot and the individual, while some incline toward some other kind of paper with a lighter weight.</p><p></p><p>Paper is one of the basic things that are most every now and again utilized throughout everyday life. This implies the individuals who are prepared to change their method of utilizing paper are the individuals who love having the best quality papers. There are a few occasions where paper has been utilized for enriching purposes however today, it is utilized for all intents and purposes the equivalent purpose.</p><p></p><p>Paper has been broadly utilized by both specialists and the average folks to continue with their b usiness exercises. This may have a type of making the correspondence just as, the exchange business exchanges simpler and supportive to the business owners.</p><p></p><p>In any kind of business, there is a perplexing necessity of paper to be used to give the entrepreneur all the data that he needs. What's more, the interest for paper has been significantly expanded in the current days. A wide range of business houses and associations require the utilization of paper with the goal that the best possible and definite information can be joined in the statements.</p><p></p><p>Printing paper, which is one of the most significant piece of the procedure of paper making, must be chosen from among the different sorts of paper. It is imperative to choose paper in the correct manner with the goal that it can bolster the printing procedure and the duplicate that is being made. In any case, if different necessities of the clients or the customers a re not given consideration then there are chances that the entrepreneurs will confront issues in the future.</p><p></p><p>When it comes to shading paper, the great sorts are accessible in the market. It is commonly realized that a major level of the business paper printouts are being finished by utilizing shaded paper. The written words must be of acceptable quality when contrasted with the normal white ones.</p><p></p><p>Premium quality paper, in contrast with the regular kind of paper, is considerably more prudent in nature and the beneficial thing about it is that it is accessible in huge amounts. In this manner, the cost of these sorts of paper is a lot of lower and they are increasingly available to a business association and the clients.</p>

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Topics to Write About For An Essay For College

<h1>Topics to Write About For An Essay For College</h1><p>If you're in secondary school, odds are you're thinking about what subjects to expound on for an article for school. Numerous individuals pose this inquiry, and the motivation behind why is on the grounds that they don't know how to begin composing a paper or course project.</p><p></p><p>There's a ton of weight with regards to composing an exposition, and that weight implies there's an opportunity it won't be the best thing you've at any point composed. Yet, on the off chance that you don't have the foggiest idea where to begin, it can feel like you're simply stuck on the task and have no clue what to do straightaway. The most ideal approach to begin handling themes to expound on for a paper for school is to select a point and stick with it all through the entire essay.</p><p></p><p>The most ideal approach to begin handling subjects to expound on for an expositi on for school is to pick a subject and stick with it all through the entire article. It's essential to make your subject's intriguing in light of the fact that when you're composing expositions, there's constantly an opportunity for you to let your composing voice come through. At the point when you're in an undertaking, it's difficult to get your innovative energies pumping. That is the reason it's a smart thought to ensure that when you're composing expositions, you'll have the option to get your inventiveness to flow.</p><p></p><p>It's additionally imperative to keep your composing new. While it's extraordinary to take a gander at and use instances of others' work, the best activity is gain from others' missteps so you'll have the option to maintain a strategic distance from those traps later on. It's acceptable to utilize models and thoughts from effective individuals, but at the same time it's ideal to think outside about the case with regards to your ow n composing skills.</p><p></p><p>When you're beginning to get into composing explicit papers or papers, it's essential to place yourself in a spot where you'll have the option to expound on a specific point. This will assist you with building up a style and make an excellent base for your composition. It's critical to realize how to think of good subjects and expound on them.</p><p></p><p>The key to concocting points to expound on for a paper for school is to understand that more often than not, you'll need to expound on something that you love. For whatever length of time that you locate a decent point to expound on for an article for school, it ought to be anything but difficult to get snared on it. At that point, when you've built up an intrigue, you can choose whether or not you need to investigate that specific region of enthusiasm for depth.</p><p></p><p>If you haven't built up an extraordinary enthusiasm for a subject or in the subject of your exposition, at that point it may be simpler for you to compose it as opposed to concocting a whole theme to expound on for it. It's not as imperative to locate an incredible subject to expound on for an article for school all things considered to know the point. It's likewise essential to ensure that you're not going over the edge with regards to this step.</p><p></p><p>When you're searching for themes to expound on for an article for school, ensure that you discover a subject that is intriguing and that you truly care about. Set aside some effort to consider it before you begin to become overly energetic. It's additionally essential to ensure that you build up a solid enthusiasm before you begin dealing with the topic.</p>

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Essay Topics That Can Bring You Satisfaction

Essay Topics That Can Bring You SatisfactionFinding essay topics that fit your needs is not a simple task. There are many out there and some are really hard to narrow down to one that you really feel is interesting to write about. It is important that you find essay topics that will allow you to write about something that interests you. You do not want to write about something that you do not care about or care enough to research the topic thoroughly.You should find out what types of essays you can write for your homework assignment for college level. This will help you narrow down your choices to topics that you are interested in writing about. You may be able to find a lot of essay topics on your homework assignment or college level based on your grade or subject. This will also give you ideas about what to write about based on your current interest.You may be able to find a topic that you love doing. You may have a hobby that involves writing. This could be an idea for a dissertat ion topic. If you have a passion for something, it could easily turn into a business if you write about it in your essay.Make sure that you use your time wisely when it comes to your essay. Start to get things ready as early as possible so that you will have more time to work on your essay. You do not want to rush through this process because this will cause you to only get half of the essay finished and it will be less interesting.Find out what type of essay that you would like to write about. Make sure that you are clear on the topic of your essay. This can make your job easier because you will know how long you need to finish it. You may want to consult with someone who is more experienced than you are to make sure that you are able to get it done on time.You can choose a topic that interests you or one that you would like to learn more about. Do not jump right into writing your essay, unless it is an essay topic that you know well. It is always good to take your time to write ab out a topic that you know about. You can use your knowledge to make the information in your essay more relevant to the audience that you are trying to reach.Remember that you can also use essay topics that are related to your current interests. If you are more into hiking and camping, you can consider writing an essay on your favorite hiking or camping spot. You can also write an essay about your favorite outdoor activity. Having a hobby that you enjoy can make your essay topic's fun to write about.Use your ideas to write about essay topics that you enjoy doing. Take your time when choosing the topic for your essay. Give yourself plenty of time to get started and do not rush through it. You will be able to finish it on time because you took your time to do it right.